PageBox: application deployment with publish and subscribe on J2EE, JES2, PHP and ASP.NET PageBox
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PageBox for .NET


PageBox for .NET is a version of PageBox written in C#.

For more information about PageBox concept you can read:

The Presentation document

The Rationale document


PageBox for .NET is based on the same design as PageBox for PHP,

  • It is as simple to install as PageBox for PHP

  • It allows deploying any kind of file. When it receives a file, a PageBox can run a command for instance to populate a database



PageBoxes deploy presentations. Users query presentations and presentations call Web services.

A PageBox host is not necessarily an ASP. On Internet it can be any host with a static IP address. On Intranet it can be any server.

The Application Server can be IIS or Personal Web server with the .NET framework.

The presentation can be in any format supported by the PageBox host, for instance:


  • CGI

  • Java Web archive or any combination of servlets and JSP

  • PHP

In addition to presentations PageBox for .NET allows deploying any kind of file.


PageBoxes subscribe to repositories. Presentation providers publish presentations. The repository deploys the presentations on subscribing PageBoxes.

A PageBox repository is essentially a well-known point where:

  • PageBoxes subscribe to get published presentations

  • Presentation providers publish their presentations

PageBox repository is implemented as a set of ASP.NET pages.

Presentation providers publish their presentation with HTTP POST file upload.

The Repository deploys presentations on PageBoxes using a SOAP Web Service.

If a deployment fails (for instance because the PageBox host is rebooting) it is retried by a Windows service.

Presentation provider

The Presentation provider publishes presentations and files on repositories.

When the provider publishes a presentation or file it should also provides the URL of the presentation or file documentation.

Subscribers can display this documentation and decide if they can trust the publisher and if the presentation or file is useful for them. Subscribers can also use this documentation to learn how to configure their PageBoxes to install the presentation or file and how to use it.


Presentation closer to the user

PageBox for .NET has minimal requirements in term of disk space and memory:

Therefore it is possible to install a PageBox for .NET in remote offices or in home sites.


Companies create corporate portals and Webtops. These environments provide to the employees most of the application front ends that they must use. A PageBox complements a Portal because it automates the distribution of front ends to Web services. Rather than developing and maintaining its own front end, a company can subscribe to the repository of a provider. When the Web service changes, the provider only has to publish a new version to update all portals.

Distributed applications

PageBox is a framework for the development of distributed Web Application.

We describe this capability in Distributed Web Application with PageBox..


See the Installation guide to download and install PageBox for .NET.

See the Customization guide for more information about the implementation and configuration files.
©2001-2004 Alexis Grandemange. Last modified .